
My Story
I began my healing journey working with others shortly after beginning to find alternative healing modalities for myself. I had expressed to a friend I wanted to make changes in my life after being involved in a head on collision. I wasn’t at fault but the accident itself became the catalyst for my healing. Had I not been on that road that night at that time I’m not sure I would have come to this realization…yet. I began making some lifestyle changes at that time but it would still be a few years before I truly dove deep into creating changes in my life. My friend recommended a few healing practitioners who helped tremendously but they weren’t “mainstream.”
After trying a few modalities and seeing results on all levels (mentally, emotionally and physically) I was intrigued. I wondered how these practioners, and their modalities, could actually be helping me to make positive changes in my life, my processing, my perspectives, and physical ailments. What are the mechanics, literally. How does this work? I set out to learn, to incorporate and to gain understanding.
I became attuned to Reiki energy and shifted, I began working with an Astrologer and shifted some more. I offered Reiki assistance to almost everyone I knew. Complete strangers would approach me and tell me their stories…I began to realize this is what I was meant to do. Working with the Astrologer served to reinforce for me that this truly could be my path if I so chose. I was meant to be a healer and to carry healing messages.
Many years later, within hours of my mother’s passing, I handled the tasks at hand then sought alone time in the basement of her home. She appeared to me in the basement of her home, sitting on the sofa she typically sat on, wearing her favorite robe looking at me, rolling her eyes and saying, “I wondered when you’d make your way down here.” I realized seeing loved ones who had passed was not new to me; this had happened a few years prior with another family member. Never mind that he had appeared as simply a face reflected in a bathroom window, he was there. Unmistakably real, felt and seen. A few days later I received a phone call informing me of the passing of his wife – these were my grandparents.
As I processed my grief, I wandered into an intuitive arts center near my home and met a Shaman. We chatted, I cried, bought a crystal, and went home. I was curious. I went back. I went back again. I signed up for classes. I learned and was supported in my journey to expand my abilities. I found out about Pranic Healing and took multiple classes. I signed a contract for an office at the intuitive arts center and provided readings and healing work for clients. I was more settled in my own life than I had ever been. THIS is what I wanted to do with my life.
Life happened, I jumped off my spiritual path, went back to corporate work, and stuck with it for far too many years. Until my physiology would no longer handle the work. My executive functioning abilities were suddenly, severely impaired and I was forced to stop working for a time. I focused on me and on healing from that incident which literally forced me to use the “other side of my brain.” That’s when I discovered Root Cause Therapy. I was hooked! I took the classes at my own pace, traded sessions with other students as well as some who had already completed the course work, and earned my certificate. Through the certification process I healed things I hadn’t previously remembered occurring, learned how they had impacted my sense of self, my relationship to the world, and my relationship to others. I learned what had subconsciously affected my choices, interactions, and thoughts in positive and detrimental ways. Most importantly, those sessions profoundly influenced my growth, my development, and the way I viewed myself. I learned to comfortably be more myself and that I could be both safe and valued in doing so. I finally found the modality that would connect all my abilities! Through using all of my abilities and my continued training I am more focused on helping others than ever,
Where will your journey begin? How far would you like to go?
Root Cause Therapy (RCT) provides a clear framework toward creating your highest and best outcomes.