The Horse Whisperer's Secret To Calm Your Nerves in 120 Seconds
Ever have those moments when you're so tense your shoulders feel up to your ears? Or like you're about to have a panic attack in the line at the grocery store? Or if one more person tells you to "relax" you'll loose your shit and completely snap?​
Then use this trick I learned this from a horse therapist (not a therapist FOR horses, a therapist that heals humans with horses).
It's not meditation. Not breathing exercises. And definitely not someone telling you to "just relax" (which probably makes you wanna punch them in the face, amiright?)
This is a dead-simple technique that works in 120 seconds or less.
The best part is you don't need a horse. Or a barn. Or even a therapist. (Though if you have access to any of those, bonus points for you!)​​
Just pop your email below and I'll send you the short video showing you exactly how to do this magical nervous system reset.
Warning: May cause extreme chillaxation and the ability to handle life's chaos like a zen master who just had a really good nap.
(Your email won't be used for anything weird, just occasional tips on staying cool when life gets hot. And you can unsubscribe faster than you can say "whoa, horsie.")